Archive for Colin Firth


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on March 29, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Yes, I know, I’ve been MIA. I’m very very sorry, but I’ve been fighting a deadline and I promised my Changeling Press editor I would get my latest mss to her by the end of the month. I’m all but 1000 odd words away from typing “The End” (YAY!) on Spaceport: Highest Bidder and just wanted to pop in and say g’day, just in case you all forget who I am.

Oh, and while I’m here I’ll share this rather entertaining movie trailer with you. I’m not really sure what to make of this, but I will tell you all… Colin Firth looks just like my husband.

OK, back to the mss. I’ll be back with some MAJOR updates in a couple of days. Promise!