A very special prize this month. To celebrate my very first Ellora’s Cave release, Stone’s Soul (available 15th August) I’m giving away to one lucky reader:

* A pair of sterling silver and peridot pierced earings (see the piccie? They are lovely!)

Can you see these in your ears?

Can you see these in your ears?

* A Lexxie Couper t-shirt

* A copy of any Lexxie Couper book from my backlist of the winner’s choice

Any time you leave a comment on my blog, you’re in the draw.

I’ll draw the winner’s name from the dog’s bowl on the last day of August and announce it on my blog.

Have fun!

19 Responses to “CONTESTS”

  1. Tameka Green Says:

    So who is the dog. Lol

  2. helene tompkins Says:


  3. lexxiecouper Says:

    LOL Tameka – the dog is about the size of a pony and named after a famous Hollywood serial killer. I tell you what, guess which one and I will send you a signed Savage Retribution bookcover and book thong šŸ™‚

    Helene – Aww, thank you! I’ll add three more excerpts to my excerpts page tomorrow. Just for you šŸ˜‰

  4. Lexxie! Just saw the trailer you made for “Shifting Lust”! Bleedin’ BRILLIANT!

  5. Laura K Says:

    Love the dog’s bowl idea! Please let me in your contest!

  6. WOW, fantastic contest Lexxie. I will have to post like mad now, since I started so late.


  7. Kaz – *in my best Elvis impersonation* Thank you. Thank you very much *grin*

    Laura – the dog tends to get a bit miffed when I take his bowl from him and fill it with little slips of paper. He doesn’t find them anywhere near as tasty as his crunchies šŸ™‚

    Sandie – You definitely are in. Yay!

  8. Shelly A. Says:

    Hi Lexxie,

    Is you dog’s name Manson? Enjoyed watching your book trailers and reading about your books! šŸ™‚

  9. Belle Schemmel Says:

    Love anything about Australia, especially your books!!!

  10. Belle Schemmel Says:

    I do very few things in moderation…LOL

  11. Shelly – Nope, the dog’s name is Hudson šŸ˜€ And thank you. You’ve made me smile.

    Belle – I’m not a fan of moderation. Especially when it comes to chocolate and…well, other things šŸ˜€ And YOU’VE made my smile a grin. Ta muchly šŸ˜€

  12. Is that the dog dish you draw names out of??

  13. Hi,

    Hope the baby is well. I like the bowl.


  14. Hi Lexxie… what a cute doggie congrats on the new release.. glad to hear that baby is doing so much better.. Jolene(nascarandbeans)..

  15. TamiC – Nope. The real dog’s bowl is MUCH bigger *grin*

    Lanie – Thank you. Chickpea is on the mend. Yay!!

    Nascar!!!!! Wow, Lady! It’s been ages! How are you?

  16. WOW!!!! Lexxie, those are really cute. I can really see these in my ears. The question is will they be conjuring up my dream man as they did for Jordynn Harrison? LOL!! Just a naughty thought and here’s wishing you tons of sales.

  17. Hi Lexie,

    I have ‘Highest Bidder’. It was wonderful. I have several of your others on my to buy list. Can’t wait to read them. ‘Shifting Lust’ is at the top.

    Thank you,
    Susan B.

  18. I like your name. I haven’t ever seen it spelled that way. Your books seem really interesting.

  19. Hi LeXxie,

    I saw you over at Sierra’s group. Oh Sh_t! I forgot the extra X in my post above. I apologize. That’s one of the worst things I could do. I’ll plead not enough coffee, probably, that day.

    Have a great Holiday tomorrow!
    Susan B.

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