Archive for April, 2008

Reviews! Reviews! Get ‘Em While They’re HOT!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 30, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Oh my God, do I have an tidal wave of reviews to share with you. Ready?

Firstly – Savage Retribution Karen at JERR gives it FIVE STARS and an ORGASMIC HEAT LEVEL! “This book is hard to put down! Declan is sexy no matter what his situation. I couldn’t help falling in love with his Old World manners and charm. Like Regan, I felt safe in his company even before witnessing the first fight and knew she could never leave his arms after their first kiss. The villain, Epoc, is especially heinous, completely heartless and must have recruited his minions from Disgusting Creatures ‘R’ Us. The sex between Declan and Regan is varied and titillating, sometimes slow and sweet, often overwhelmingly passionate, but always stimulating. Be forewarned, however, there is a well written but graphic and disturbing rape scene. Regan’s policeman brother and his suspiciously new female partner are the other secondary characters who add to the tension and mystery. The pace of this story is rollercoaster fast with just about as many spins, twists, drops and turns in the plot. I thoroughly enjoyed Savage Retribution and I highly recommend it to all the wolf lovers among us.”

Maura at The Romance Studio gives it FOUR AND A HALF ANGELS and says, “This is on rollercoaster ride of a story. The main characters are on the run throughout the story and the author has captured that feeling in telling their story. I definitely needed to catch my breath at the end.” and “The combination of a very exciting plot, great characters, evil megalomaniac werewolves, and a sad back story make this a book that will be very difficult to put down.”

Ashley at FAR gives it FOUR ANGELS. ” As soon as I saw the words Irish werewolf, I knew I needed to read this story. I had high hopes, and Lexxie Couper reached them all. Savage Retribution starts off capturing your attention and never stops. I really enjoyed seeing the interactions between Regan and Declan. They are both characters to love, through their faults and all. Regan is strong and knows how to take care of herself. Even when she is scared, either of or for Declan, she shows that she can be compassionate and smart, which is not always easy to find in heroines. As for Declan, I think Irish werewolf says it all. He makes you want Regan to not give in too easily, just to see him try harder. He is sex and charm and everything else you could want from a hero. This story has it all, a hot werewolf, a smart heroine, and a great villain. Savage Retribution by Lexxie Couper is a must read for any romance fan.”

Secondly – Shifting Lust

Serena at FAR gives my sci-fi epic FIVE ANGELS and says, “Ms. Couper is not one to hold back in order to make us feel better about how things happen. Honestly, she’s almost mean to her poor characters in this series. That being said, she also does an amazing job of making them real. How often do you feel like shaking the author because she’s mean to the characters? Her villains are just as real as her heroes and let me tell you, she should’ve been meaner to them! The depraved things they did to and around Raiven and Kyra were just vile and sometimes truly disgusting. If you have delicate sensibilities, do not read this collection. If you can handle the harsh realities that Lexxie Couper has penned in Shifting Lust then please, read it. You will be drawn into a world that is truly awesome.”

Thirdly – Snowbound: Captive Heat

Chris at Night Owl Romance gives my little bit of spice FOUR HEARTS. “This was a great little read. Only 9 pages long, it grabbed my attention and kept it for the whole ride. I liked the interaction of the two characters to one another, and while it lacked a lot of romance, it really wasn’t meant to have it. The end was sweet, and rounded out the tale nicely.”

Amethyst Nymph at Literary Nymphs Reviews says “Lexxie Couper really knows how to dangle a bone in Snowbound: Captive Heat and leave you salivating. The passion is so overwhelming it will hit you like a ton of bricks. Every moment is the perfect build up to what I hope is only the beginning of Darci’s bigger adventure. I have too many questions to let Darci’s erotic adventure go. This enjoyable story is certainly a must read.” She gives it FOUR NYMPHS!

Ivy at Whipped Cream Reviews gives Captive Heat FOUR CHERRY SUNDAES. “This story made me all tingly! It was extremely sexy and fast moving. Darci Watson is amazing — Olympic skier, adventuresome young thing and out in the cold mountains on a bet. I want to be her! Flying down a hill “just because”. Mr. Blue Eyes sounds hot! He is a mystery through the whole story. Lexxie Couper let me use my imagination up until the very end…and I still wanted more. At one point, Darci is pinned up against an ice wall by Mr. Blue Eyes. She should be freezing to death, but Mr. Blue Eyes is just emanating sex and power, keeping her HOT. WOW! I felt the goose bumps on my back and furnace-like heat everywhere else. It’s an awesome picture. It makes me feel like I would while driving on a highway, going 100 mph — just going with reckless abandon. But there is no crash; just soft fur and intense heat. I would even say, raw sensuality. I am definitely putting Lexxie Couper’s backlist on my TBR pile. ”

And last, but not least – Viva Los Regalos: Kat and Mouse

Tallyn at JERR says this about my erotic paranormal crime caper. “Kat and Mouse is an erotic, suspenseful and romantic paranormal tale about two people’s obsession of playing cat and mouse has become more than just a game. Kat is a dedicated and workaholic police officer who loves to be in control while the Mouse is an arrogant and cocky thief who has taken control of their unique relationship at every turn…I couldn’t stop reading even as my PDA ran out of power and I had to resort to reading this story on my desktop. Kat and Mouse is a part of the Viva Los Regalos series and can be read individually. A definite keeper!”

I think that’s it. I’m sure I’ve missed a review somewhere. I want to say a HUGE thank you to all the amazing reviewers for their wonderful words on my books. Consider yourselves all well and truly cyber-hugged!

Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on April 28, 2008 by Lexxie Couper
Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit lived in the same forest, but they didn’t like each other very much. One day, while walking through the woods, and they came across a golden frog. They were amazed when the frog talked to them. The golden frog admitted that he didn’t often meet anyone, but, when he did, he always gave them six wishes, so he told them that they could have three wishes each.
Mr. Bear immediately wished that all the other bears in the forest were females. The frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit, after thinking for a while, wished for a crash helmet. One appeared immediately, and he placed it on his head.
Mr. Bear was amazed at Mr. Rabbit’s wish, but carried on with his second wish. He wished that all the bears in the neighboring forests were females as well, and the frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit then wished for a motorcycle. It appeared before him, and he climbed on board and started revving the engine.
Mr. Bear could not believe it and complained that Mr. Rabbit had wasted two wishes that he could have had for himself. Shaking his head, Mr. Bear made his final wish, that all the other bears in the world were females as well, leaving him as the only male bear in the world. The frog replied that it had been done, and they both turned to Mr. Rabbit for his last wish.
Mr. Rabbit revved the engine, thought for a second, then said, “I wish that Mr. Bear was gay!” and rode off as fast as he could.

An Update, A Thank You and A Possum

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on April 28, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Yes, I’ve been MIA. I’m very sorry ’bout that. Anyone miss me?

What’s been going on? Well, Chickpea has been quite ill. She has been diagnosed with chronic asthma which in itself is worrying, but on top of that diagnosis, she caught a bronchial infection. She is on the mend now, but still requires quite a lot of my time… much to Peanut’s dismay. She has also decided she likes being cuddled all through the night and we are now trying to convince her that she has to sleep in her cot again. This is proving to be quite difficult. Despite being sick, she is trying to crawl. To this end, she is faceplanting herself around the house, bum up in the air. It’s rather cute to see, especially when she does it mid-nappy change.

So, what else is going on?

I received my newest cover today from the very talented Zuri. What do you think? It’s for my next release, available next Friday, called Spaceport: Highest Bidder.

Here’s the blurb –

Ezelain Dream-Invader Dreylan Tarq was once the IAC’s most decorated Peace-Keeper —

until he found his wife in his boss’s arms and his boss’s hands on his wife’s ass. Dreylan’s world changed and now he works only for himself — or for whoever’s brave enough to pay him the chits.

Sent to Spaceport Adana by the one man he despises the most, Dreylan must buy the Terran slave, Naya

Kistara, whatever the cost. Naya is a reiphia, a rare and valuable empathic mesomorph who permanently and irreversibly becomes her first sexual partner’s ideal mate in every way. She is also Old Earth’s only hope of becoming a member of the Interplanetary Alliance Council. Without her, the planet’s vulnerable, neglected people will surely perish.

What Dreylan finds on ’Port Adana, however, is not just a virgin being sold into slavery, but a woman of fire and passion and strength. A woman who stirs his body like no other. A woman with a secret.

Revenge is powerful motivator. But then, so is desire.

Dreylan is a very intriguing character. Probably the most dangerous I’ve created, in fact. The ability to invade dreams and control them make for a very powerful weapon and Dreylan wields that weapon with a deadly skill. He is also the most tormented hero I’ve created. When a tormented deadly hero meets a damsel in distress – a damsel he somehow knows despite having never met her… well, suffice to say, Highest Bidder isn’t a light and fluffy read, but boy, does the sex sizzle!

I’m currently working on an paranormal/horror romance originally called Shadow Whispers. Shadow Whispers tells the story of a Sydney journalist, Tallara – Lara – Darcy who moves to a quirky and somewhat menacing outback town called Kangaroo Creek. Shadow Whispers was originally released as a novella by Changeling Press, but I am reworking it into the full-length novel I always wanted it to be. I’m having lots of fun for a couple of reasons – one, I’m really getting to know the characters better, and two, I’m really, really upping the creep factor. Yes, this one is gonna be scary. Wanna snippet?

She raised the photo of she and Adrien from her lap, refusing to look at it. Its existence defied explanation. It shouldn’t be here. It shouldn’t be anywhere. Withdrawing the cigarette lighter from her pocket she’d found in the kitchen drawer on moving in, she lifted it to the photo’s corner. After she set it alight, it –
A whisper came from her bedroom.
Indistinct. Someone saying…
Blood feeling thick in her veins, Lara rose to her feet. She folded the photo and shoved it into her back pocket again, feeling its stiffness pressing to her butt cheek through the denim. Peering down the hall, she strained to detect what she thought she’d heard before.
And what was that, Darcy? Your name? Again? How many times do you think you’ve heard it since moving here? You’re losing your mind.
Grinding her teeth, she walked down the hall into her bedroom.

I’m delivering the finished mss to my Samhain editor (Hi, Heidi *waves*) mid May after which I will continue work on Death, The Vamp and His Brother with the aim to get it to Heidi by the beginning of October. Shall keep you all posted 🙂

Ellora’s Cave are still considering a mss I submitted to them way back in Feb. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one. If you don’t suffer arthritis I’d love you to cross your fingers too. I’m hoping to hear any day so now that Chickpea is kinda giving me more time, I’m checking my email constantly.

I’ve received heaps of reviews for Savage Retribution and Shifting Lust – The Collection in the last few weeks, so I’ll blog about those in the next few days. Shifting Lust – The Collection received FIVE Angels from FAR. FIVE!! Wow!!

What else? I watched a great movie the other day which really made me laugh – Run, Fatboy, Run. It stars Simon Pegg, from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead and is a wonderful, understated rom-com that I highly recommend. Oh, and the newest season of Dr Who has started on the BBC and thanks to the power of the internet, I’ve been drooling over new David Tennant….. isn’t he yummy!

Oh, and we have a possum! A possum has decided to make our back balcony its home at night. Its a bushtail possum and he/she comes around 8pm every night. It started eating the wild bird seed bell and has moved on to apples and bread and bikkies and whatever else we put out there for him/her.

So, that’s it for the moment. I want to say a very grateful thank you to everyone who sent me wishes for Chickpea’s health. They made me smile and feel warm when the days were long and Chickpea was at her worst. Thank you all so very very much.

Until the review onslaught…



Seriously…. Isn’t This Man The Sexiest Man On The Planet?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on April 18, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Words Of Wisdom I Received Today

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on April 17, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Never fear shadows.
They simply mean there’s a light somewhere nearby.

New Book Trailer – Dawn Montgomery’s Bound In Lust

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on April 14, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Bound in Fury (2nd in the Bound Trilogy)

Hell has a new Hunt and the trap is springing shut. With three demon brethren dead and his only daughter missing, Drake does what he has to in order to keep Elena safe and away from the Brotherhood. He keeps her locked behind Abandon’s doors.But nothing can stop the wheels of the Hunt once it’s begun and Elena’s curse has brought her to the depths of her own hell. Her libido’s screaming for attention and the only one who can ease the ache leaves her confused and furious.Neither expected the depth of hatred from the Brotherhood or the lengths to which they would go to destroy one demon. Drake, it seems, has old enemies and they’re willing to overthrow Hell itself to destroy him.Only together can Drake and Elena survive the coming battle. Nothing grips tighter than those bound in fury.

(My third book trailer attempt, this one for erotic romance author, Dawn Montgomery – who is absolutely gorgeous, btw)

My goal with this trailer was to make something interesting and sizzling with only two images. I think it worked!

Check Dawn’s amazing work out here

A Fling In Vampiropolis Book Trailer

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on April 4, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

Lookit! I’ve made another book trailer, this one for erotic romance author, Selena Illyria’s paranormal romance, A Fling In Vampiropolis.

Determined to have fun and relieve some of the stress from her job, Nevada Justice decides to take a vacation to one of the few all-vampire cities in the U.S., Vampiropolis.

What she doesn’t count on is meeting vampire Lucian Sandros and having a hot, steamy affair with him — or falling in love. But it can’t last, can it? After all, this was just a fling in Vampiropolis. Now it’s time to go home.

What will Nevada do when Lucian hunts her down in Normalville to claim her for his own?

The book, btw, is smoken’ hot!!!

Eight Ridiculous Questions With… Celia Kyle

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 3, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

This month, I subjected the very kinky Celia Kyle to the Eight Ridiculous Questions treatment. Celia is one of the craziest people I know and her responses had me on the floor in stitches! Enjoy…

1.Ever knowingly broke the law? *da dum* *da dum* *breakin the law, breakin the law* Ahem, sorry, slipped back into Beavis and Butthead land…

No, not knowingly. Unless speeding counts. I did makeout with a guy in a car in a field once, but I’m not sure if any laws were broken then…. LOL

2. Are you a moaner, a screamer or completely silent? (You know what I mean <g>) I’m a moaner (gotta give him encouragment) until we get to the big shOw and then I pretty much hold my breath and become silent. 😀

3. Can you stand the sight of your own blood? Ugh. No. Blood? Ick.

4. Ever tried cross-dressing? Yes, actually. Growing up, I danced (tap, ballet, jazz, you name it) and one of the routines was a swing number. I was the guy. Man’s dress shirt, red tie, suspenders, page boy cap, all the way… I was thisclose to convincing our instructor that we should stuff our pants with socks to ensure realism. Sadly, she didn’t go for it. LOL

5. Who is your favourite Muppet? Miss Piggy. She was hot even with her extra cushion. I mean, I write BBW, who else would I pick? Miss Piggy would totally have been a heroine in my books. Except for the fact that I’d probably be sued like nobody’s business by Jim Henson. 😀

6. If you were a sex-toy you’d be…? So many toys… Ack! I’ll go with a vibrating bullet. Those little things are sooooooo versatile. 😉

7. Weirdest place you’ve ever ‘done it’? Ugh, I’m horrible with this. Hubby and I are incessantly boring when it comes to the locations for sex. Sad, but true. Now if we were talking positions…. LMAO!

8. If you were a vegetable, which would you be and why? A cucumber. And do you really have to ask why? I mean, everyone knows what cucumbers are good for, right? 😉

You can find Celia being naughty here And honestly, I had a ball at her site. She really is a talented, wicked lady.

Sort Of Dunno Nothin’

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2008 by Lexxie Couper

This is one of the funniest (and sadly, true) things I’ve seen in ages!